UK Plumber Forum 

A place of resource for Plumbers and Gas Engineers in the UK.

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By Wrench
Hi Everyone,

Long time no speak, not to say there hasn't been things going on in the background!

I've been having a rotten time with the hosting provider for web property I own or am involved with.

The current host seems to not be willing to keep their systems up to date which gives me problems when trying to get things working A.K.A Tapatalk. I've not been able to get to the bottom of it but suggestions from them tell me to get everything up to date with the server and go from there. Impossible when the current host, won't do it.

We have, a fantastic UK Based independently owned Hosting provider that I'm currently in the process of migrating everything over to and will post details about them once this is all done, as I couldn't recommend them highly enough so far with the assistance they have provided.

So there you go. The forum will be down whilst the migration takes place. It's usually a case of transferring the files and database over and then waiting for the domain to propagate. Usually the propagation takes a few hours but can take as much as 24 hours, I will however do everything I can to make sure this goes smoothly and of course...make sure nothing is lost in the process!

I am not very active on the forum or the groups as alas, I personally, am not a plumber nor do I know much about plumbing but it is lovely to see a community here and I know RedSaw is keeping you all entertained and looked after.

I am sorry I have been a tad distant myself but I will post in the private section more about this, just a note however that this forum hasn't been forgotten about by myself and will continue to be developed to make it better for everybody.

A brand new shiny SSD Server, is just the beginning :mrgreen:

Kindest Regards


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